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Good day from,
A revolution is occurring.

A mighty force is congealing harmony and coherence in 
Gaia's collective field. 
A massive wave of tangible, palpable compassion-energy 
is obliterating barriers that obscure the full fledged 
manifestation of a balanced humanity heaven-bent on 
playing in divinely creative ways of nourishing the body 
and soul of its members:
This force...this wave...this us. 
Our revolution is one of the heart. Our weapons are social 
coherence and compassion. Our ammunition is the deliberate 
use of our co-creative presence in the world:
We don't bother with fanfare, or vain wastage. We have 
laser-beam-focus, wide-open silent sight, and an indelible 
connection to each other feared by the waning forces of a 
bygone era.
Ours is a silent revolution, born in the hearts and minds 
of all humanity. We are led by the awakened masses, many 
of whom go about their sacred journeys wearing the work 
clothes of the mundane, tic-toc world of old mankind.
At we have created convergence and 
concord repeatedly over the last seven years, which have 
manifested in many seen and unseen ways: from dropping Love 
Bombs on Jerusalem to dissipating hurricanes in the Gulf 
In 2006, as Dr. Carl Calleman, Mayan Scholar, and I have 
described in the last notice to this Infinity Group, 
we are laying the energetic foundation for the immanent 
manifestation of BALANCED Feminine and Masculine Energies. 
That's why we call this a Breakthrough CELEBRATION; we are 
welcoming the Divine Feminine back into our world. (Smile)
Of course, you don't hear about our revolution on the 
evening news. That's what makes us so powerful. *WE ARE* 
a divinely-inspired innovation...a true disruptive technology 
( Most 
of us have day-jobs in tic-toc, and keep that silent but 
powerful force of harmony and compassion radiating out, 
even while we're dealing with the cranky customer at the 
checkout stand, closing the next big deal, or comforting 
our children in the noisy confusion of life. 
Now is the time to step up to the plate. Life is 
quickening...time is quickening...change is ramping up to 
unimaginable speeds, propelling us, not into some bleak and 
foreboding future, but toward the realization of our greatest 
individual and collective potential. Not out, but in. Into the 
depths of our inmost core. This is where our transformed world 
I need your help. I've been invited by Dr. Calleman to a 
very important convergence in India this month, mid February. 
Here, contemporary leaders of modern and ancient cultures will 
meet: Don Alejandro Oxlaj, head of the Council of Elders of the 
Maya, and other Mayan Elders, will meet Sri Bhagavan, the founder 
and head of the Oneness Movement in India (Dikshas). Dr Calleman 
and I, as well as some individuals on the newly-formed council 
for the Breakthrough Celebration, will attend and video this 
convergence, sit in these energies, and strategize on the 
intentional fostering of social coherence toward Oneness.

If you are in a position to help financially in support of 
this meeting, or in other ways as described below, please 
reply to and I'll send details. 

The Mayan Calendar, which is said to end in December 2012, 
speaks about the movement of the whole of humanity into a 
different dimension of consciousness, one that assuages the 
transformation of our planet to one of harmony and peace.

This vision is similar to many, including our own at, as well as the one seen by Sri Bhagavan 
of Golden City, South India, who speaks of a Golden Age that 
will come to the whole planet sometime in 2012.

This remarkable similarity in vision between the East and the 
West is good news for humanity. It speaks to the hopes and 
dreams of many people who are all working in their own way 
to bring an Age of Peace and Harmony.

We are in need of volunteers to:

1. Support by donating money to cover travel expenses and 
other administrative costs. Small and large contributions 
are welcome and appreciated.

2. Lead or support the creation of local events around the 
Breakthrough Celebration time-table given in the last notice. 

3. Language translators for the Breakthrough Celebration 
site now being created. 

4. Individuals to adapt a convergence/concordance process 
into other affinity organizations' "language", i.e., TM, 
Vedic, Bahai, Christian, Islamic, Kabalistic, Silva Mind Control, 
etc. We are appealing to large, global organizations by 
empathizing with their modes of communication and operation. 
This is in alignment with our originally-stated Principles 
of Action:

If you can help in any of these areas, please reply to with your skills, resources 
or sentiments.

Flesymi (Joseph Giove)


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