InfinityAffinity archives


An member writes:

Hello Flesymi,

Maybe what happens in a truly connected world is that we finally realize
that when we die we are everywhere. Maybe the  belief in separation is an
illusion and we grieve because we have fallen temporarily out of oneness.
This is my experience after the sudden and unexpected death of my mother in
early December. I beleive those of us connected through you were with those
men, are still, and are with and have been with their families throughout. I
AM. I AM ALWAYS. I AM ETERNAL. I AM. If it wasn't for you and some other
blessed souls, I wouldn't have come to believe. I believe this now more than
ever. We did and are doing important work. Because they transistioned does
NOT mean we weren't successful or important. That, after all, is to me the
whole point. To say: I AM and know that is it regardless of the outcome of




The Transition We Call Death:  

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